“The God Frequency Binaural Beats”

How a rogue group of ex-priests used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit.

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Asked Questions & Review

God Frequency is the self-development program created by Jacob to help common people to manifest positive things in their life by using a specific frequency known as “God” or theta frequency.

God Frequency contains a 15-minute soundtrack that you have to listen to change your thinking patterns. This soundtrack contains theta waves combined with nature’s relaxing sounds and subliminal messages to eliminate negative memories, beliefs, habits, and thoughts that stop you from achieving your full potential.

This program teaches a way of manifestation that Jesus talked about in the Bible. The author, Jacob, claims that using this method will unlock the door of God’s blessings for you and help you manifest a more abundant life.

God Frequency also uses a specific sound wave therapy method called Binaural Beats to retune the brain’s thinking pattern.

God Frequency uses the brain science of “cortical synchronization” to raise the vibration of the brain to the certain frequency required to create a bridge between conscious and subconscious thoughts.

In short, listening to these soundtracks will balance your brain and eliminate negative thoughts.

Jacob X believes that if anyone wants to manifest positive things or events into his life, he should start by raising vibrations in his mind, remove negative blocks, and retune his mind for success.

The God Frequency Program was mainly created by Marcus and his brother.

Marcus was struggling with lots of painful events when his wife left him. He was pleading with God to reduce his pain and suffering every day. He tried many methods, but none of them worked for him. After three years of suffering, he finally met an ex-priest named Jacob X in a coffee shop.

The priest gave him an audio track to hear every day to reduce pain. He started listening to this soundtrack every day for 15 minutes.

He starts noticing positive changes, and events start appearing in his life. After getting success with this audio track, he and his brother decided to meet Jacob again to learn about the secret knowledge he discovered in Jesus’ teachings.

Jacob told them he was expelled from the church because he discovered the secret teachings of Jesus. Only a few elite people and priests know about this secret knowledge and use it anytime they want to manifest money, love, happiness, and success.

Finally, Jacob handed these secret codes and messages to Marcus and his brother. Marcus’ brother had a sound engineering background, so they created a sound bath to provide these codes and messages to the brain when it is open to accept it. So, they used theta waves (also known as “God” frequency) and created a 15-minute soundtrack. Today, you can access this 15-minute audio track in the God Frequency program.

  • God Frequency program helps you to manifest anything you want in your life like good health, job, financial stability, etc.

  • By following the God Frequency program, you will be surrounded with positivity

  • You will be able to control all your feeling and stress

  • It will reduce the production of the stress hormone, cortisol in your body

  • The binaural beats manipulate your brain for cortical synchronization

  • You won’t waste tens of thousands of dollars and hours at a therapist’s office.

  • Don’t know the real purpose of their life

  • Stuck and don’t know what to do next

  • Don’t have enough motivation to make the right decisions or learn new things

  • Want some amazing soundtracks to relax their minds

  • The God Frequency program contains a 15-minute audio track and two bonuses to further improve your experience with this program. Here is a brief explanation of these components:

    15-Minute Audio Track:

    The God Frequency program is not like other manifestation programs that want you to complete various manifestation exercises that could easily take 8-10 hours.

    Inside the God Frequency program, you will get a 15-minute audio track you have to listen to every day for at least three weeks to start noticing differences in your attitude and mindset.

    Moreover, you don’t need any special equipment or environment to achieve success with this audio track.

  • All you need to do is listen to them in your room using headphones. This audio track includes binaural beats, which is a more powerful way than meditation.

    Binaural beats are clinically proven [1] to improve focus, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote relaxation. Many people experience positive results with them, and there is no single complaint about side effects. So, it is safe to try it.

    Along with this audio track, you will also get two valuable bonuses. These bonuses are:

    Love Frequency Audio Track:

    This Love Frequency audio track is a valuable addition to the God Frequency program. This audio track will help you to overcome memories of failed relationships in your life.

    These toxic memories stop new people from entering your life because deep down in your mind there are thoughts that you will again screw it.

    It doesn’t matter if you want to overcome painful memories of your ex, or you want to overcome your previous failed relationship or marriage, or you simply want to improve your relationship with your spouse, colleague, boss, and other people; Love Frequency can certainly help you.

    Urgent Manifestation Prayer:

    This is another bonus included in the God Frequency program.

    This bonus PDF is entirely optional, and you will only need a 15-minute audio track to experience transforming in your life.

    Urgent Manifestation Prayer is a mini-program containing a PDF file with prayers for seven days and an audio track to find your soul purpose.

If you are interested in purchasing the God Frequency, I strongly suggest you get it from its official website only to ensure you get an authentic product.

The God Frequency program is not expensive. Marcus and Jacob have made the price affordable so that many people can try it and live happy and successful life.

The cost of the entire God Frequency program is $37. This is a one-time payment with no recurring monthly charges.

Once you complete the payment, you will get access to the members’ area, where you can download all files on your computer, laptop, smartphone, and tablet to use anytime and anywhere.

Jacob and Marcus recommend people listen to the 15-minute audio track consecutively for at least 21 days to experience the benefits. They have also included a 365-day money-back guarantee so people can test this program without worrying about losing money

 Yes! If you have your hearing and a set of earphones or earbuds, the God Frequency will work for you! Even if you’ve never considered yourself spiritual a day in your life.

Jesus revealed the code for the God Frequency in secret letters to his brother that have been covered up by the church for over 2000 years! I made it my life’s mission to make this powerful tool available to you today.

While I have no plans to raise the price of the God Frequency… I cannot guarantee that this page will be here once you leave today. As I’ve mentioned, the church has been hounding me about this and they DO NOT want this information to be public. If you even think you might be interested, I’d advise you to claim your recording of the God Frequency today. Plus, you’re backed by a one-year 100% money-back guarantee. So, you’ve got nothing to lose because I’m putting all the risk on my shoulders. Making this a no-brainer!

Yes!  I normally charge $199 for this powerful track, but it’s yours free when you place your order today.  Combined with the God Frequency this order is worth well over $1000, making this $37 offer a steal for anyone who lands on this page.

Click the button below to claim yours today! 

Here are the main features I liked about the God Frequency Program:

Changed My Mindset:

Before listening to these audio tracks, I don’t like having problems and hurdles in my life, but now, I see these problems and hurdles as an opportunity to learn from them and improve myself in handling them.

This change of mindset is what I really appreciate.

Don’t run from your problems; instead, face them and grow.

Exceptional Audio Quality:

Marcus’ brother is a sound engineer, and I must say he has used all this experience and knowledge to create these audio tracks.

The sound quality of these audio tracks is top class, which can quickly make you feel like you are sitting somewhere on the mountain and sweet nature voices coming into your ears. They create a great relaxing experience.

I even listen to this 15-minute audio track during traffic jams to keep myself calm and relaxed.

Perfect For Beginners:

God Frequency doesn’t contain complicated theories and exercises. You just need to listen to the audio tape for 15 minutes.

Just like me, if you don’t have any prior success with meditation, you can still benefit from this audio track.

Digital and Instant Access:

The members’ area is instantly available, and audio tracks are downloadable. I have this audio track on my laptop and smartphone, and I start listening to them whenever I want.

Jacob and Marcus also haven’t included many upsells so that you can access the download page with a few clicks.

Money-Back Guarantee:

Honestly speaking, not many manifestation programs give a year-long money-back guarantee. It shows the confidence creators have in this method.

You have 365 days to test God Frequency, and within this period, if you feel you are not getting positive changes in your behavior or mindset, you can also ask for a refund.


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All materials on this site are provided for informational and entertainment purposes only and are NOT medical advice, and NOT intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.

The website’s content and the product for sale are based upon the author’s opinion and are provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here.

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